BAHR ALJENOUB SHIPPING L.L.C employs highly qualified professionals whose experience is deeply anchored in the shipping industry. Its expertise draws from a proven track record in the management of maritime assets for financial investors, including commercial and technical ship management, ship finance, corporate and debt restructurings, capital markets, maritime private equity, investment management, and brokerage.

BAHR ALJENOUB SHIPPING L.L.C is partnering with leading operators and technical managers in each segment of its shipping activities to assure best-in-class performance, secure deepest market access, and align with years of specialized experience.

BAHR ALJENOUB SHIPPING L.L.C provides commercial ship management services. Our company’s principals have extensive experience in the various market segments and through their industry partnerships and joint ventures are able to secure competitive trading and asset deployment.

The deep and wide network of independent and specialist commercial partners provide for bespoke trading strategies, cater for all commercial requirements, and focus on developing niche and leading commercial shipping platforms in certain segments.